Palace of Knossos & Heraklion City Tour

Knossos - Knossos-Crete5
Knossos - Knossos-Crete-panorama
Knossos - Knossos-Crete-ruins
Knossos - Knossos-Crete-ruins3
Knossos - Knossos-Crete3
Knossos Crete
Knossos - Knossos-Crete5

Knossos – where European civilization began, an era ruled by the powerful King Minos and steeped in mythology with legends of Theseus, the Minotaur and the Labyrinth. The layout of the palace was so complicated, flourishing between 3,000 BC and 1,400 BC strangely disappeared, only to be discovered again by the English archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans at the turn of the century. Now partly reconstructed, red columns and gigantic double headed axes are a vivid reminder of this forgotten race.
Free time will allow you to explore the streets of the Heraklion capital, whether its shopping in the vast array of shops, browsing through the vegetable market, or sight seeing at the harbor with its many fishing boats.
